
The first half of a letter:

Maybe you'll read it here before you get it. I don't know. Does it matter? Hand written things are always nicer, so don't read this:

The train stops moving - temporary. The gravel expands, blurs, contracts on the outside of our transparent barrier; moving against all learned experiences.
And it's here; the only time that I can physically feel the pressure of gravity forcing me into these ridiculous seats - contemporary blue print - a reminder that we were designed to be connected to the earth, always.
My feet, cold, but spirit, hot, imagining the powers that would result from permanent contact to the ground.

Gemma Smith Boulder 2008
Amazing! Amazing! (Thanks Arj!!)

Bought my first art work from a gallery (today) from 7 Evils in One (see previous post for flyer). So excited! Michael Fikaris: please and thankyou!


  1. a perspex boulder made by gemma smith

  2. powers from permanent contact with the ground. i really like that idea.
