
more news from nowhere


also; this is excellent:

'specially the moves at 6mins 15

on an unrelated note, last week my little brother was trying to convince me that boys are more hardcore than girls. we went back and forth "boys do this...", "but girls do this..." etc; i said, only girls can give birth, that's pretty hardcore. he replied that "sexual intercourse is pretty hardcore, boys do that".
i was shocked and appalled, my feminist senses in overdrive... but also somewhat understanding of the fact that those kind of thoughts are a natural product of the gender stereotypes reinforced by our culture, and are something that, growing up, we all struggle with and learn deal with/fight against in different ways.

i got a really interesting email the other day from the boy who, maybe a year or two ago now, tried to put his hands inside me while i was sleeping:

I am sorry to contact you but I'm going through counselling at the moment and my counsellor said it was something that I had to do.
I have gone through quite a bit of counselling since what happened and have been diagnosed with episodes of sexsomnia. It's triggered by a few things, but in that case excessive amounts of alcohol.
I understand you most likely won't believe me, but I am not lying. I have absolutely no memory of the events and am sickened by the thought that I, could do something like that no matter how unaware.
I am going through a lot of work with a counsellor and taking Clonazepam to make sure this never happens again and felt that you should know about this because it may help you deal with what happened.
I'm so sorry I've fucked up your life, I wish I could do something about it.

i replied:

_____, that's really, really wonderful news.
whether i believe you or not is irrelevant, you just need to do whatever you need to do to make sure that it never happens again. 
so i'm really glad to hear that. i hope that seeing a counsellor is a constructive and ultimately positive experience for you. which is very possible as you sound committed to working through it.

and received this response:

you're sentiment means a lot to me, thank you. It has already been both of those things. there is no way I am letting it happen again, I can't live with myself as it is. I am more committed than I have ever been to anything.

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