my writing is disjointed but so was the night, so was i, so were we.
wire snaps, scalpel in hand. pulling blue skin from your shoulder with minimal precision. the false light sears the asphalt under our feet, unflinching. a palm of knots falls behind breath. the end cowers, tail between legs. but still i'm displaced, unsettled.
walking unnoticed blocks, measure us - incorrect.
we glide, parallel across fluorescent-lit floors. behind the sheets of metal and compressed wires, a long-forgotten blue sheet will rot. we would rather combust than stagnate.
i burned, i burnt - plates of glass, concrete, pushing down into infinity. i, a deer in headlights.
cancelled plans. wanting contact, needing distance - my laughter is harsh because i'm trying not to touch you.
slipping between a sideboard and curled fencing, i'm uncharacteristically calm. but enclosed it's stifled, chilled, bereft and yet energy multiplies with fierce intensity.
cameras in dark corners inhibit the space shifting and breathing - safe keeping.
my first blue-suited questionnaire. so badass - smokin' and saunterin'.
confinement and riches.
i missed this, though the close was out of place; your sudden. intense. introspection?
sure - my decision, but preventing, protecting - lifeless.

trying to feel safe - i made myself a cubby. not finished, but it's on its way. help me fill this space.
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